Personal Development Brenda Thorpe Personal Development Brenda Thorpe

How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome For Good!

I’ve struggled with paralyzing fear in some way or another my whole life. But I’m standing here today on the other side. I am no longer a fear-filled person.

How you may ask?

Sign me up for this magic pill!!!

Well, let’s take a little journey. It will take slightly longer than swallowing a pill (but a heck of a lot cheaper). It will take less time than to drink a cup of coffee, so go ahead and grab one and start reading!

I have several memories of fear paralyzing me. One of my earliest happened while in gymnastics. I was on the top bar of the uneven parallel bars. I was eight or nine years old.

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Brenda Thorpe Brenda Thorpe

Squarespace New Features Roundup: Summer & Fall 2022

Squarespace has been busy this year. They've added 12 updates big and small to the lineup. In this post, I'll provide a quick look at them and how to find them, plus some quick tips to help you get started using them.

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